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Take One Card Game Standard Logo (2021).png

The Fast Paced Card Game Where Only the Best Choices Lead to Victory!™

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The Fast Paced Card Game Where Only the Best Choices Lead to Victory!™

Why Do Competitive People LOVE Take One Card Game?

A Multipurpose Deck

Fast Set-up

Easy To Learn

Sophisticated Strategy

Directly Engage Other Players

Defense In A Card Game

Ages 13+

2-10 Players

15 Mins to Play

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Take One Card Game is a shedding-type card game introducing fun new cards and clever ways of engaging your opponents.

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The objective of Take One Card Game is to play all of your cards first while strategically using the “Consequence Cards” to win!

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A Multipurpose Deck of Cards!

Take One Card Game Standard Cards
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Standard Cards

Play all of your favorite classic cards games!

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Consequence Cards

Our innovative cards exclusive to Take One
Card Game! 

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