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  • How do I play Take One Card Game?
    Take One Card Game is a shedding-type card game introducing fun new cards and clever ways of engaging your opponents. Check out our How to Play Take One Card Game video! (View in "1080p" for highest quality)
  • How many people can play Take One Card Game?
    We suggest between 3 to 10 players but 2 people can play with special rules. Please check the rule booklet.
  • How long does it take to play Take One Card Game?
    The average game takes about 15 minutes or more depending on the number of players and their skill levels. Expect to have multiple competitive/exciting games within an hour.
  • How do I win Take One Card Game?
    Be the first player to successfully get rid of all of the cards in your hand without being pulled back into the game. No yelling required upon exit; just good strategy and a signature celebratory dance move or song. (Not actually required 😂)
  • What makes Take One Card Game different from other games?
    Take One brings refreshingly unique concepts (consequence cards) in a fun shedding type card game. Take one encourages creative gameplay strategies that players of all ages can enjoy! Simply put, Take One is easy to learn, fast paced, innovative, and fun for all ages! Fun Fact: Take One is a multipurpose deck; you can simply remove the Consequence cards and use just the Standard cards to play your favorite classic card games!
  • What are Consequence cards?
    Consequence cards are unique function cards within Take One Card Game. There are 7 different Consequence cards that can be used to gain an advantage over your opponents. Consequence cards (6 of each card, excluding the Joker card): - Take One card - Swap card - Ditch card - Dilemma card - Next card - Reject card - Joker card (Only 2 in the deck) These are the coolest cards in any shedding type card game!
  • Can we use “House Rules”?
    Absolutely not! 😂 Just joking, of course house rules are encouraged but we suggest learning our rules first.
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