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How To Play
Take One Card Game

Welcome to our comprehensive guide!


Take One is always played clockwise (To the left) and never changes direction.

On your turn, match the color or number of the card on the Discard pile.

Take a card from the Draw pile if you don't
have a matching color, number or
a Consequence card to play.


Each player is dealt 7 Cards to start.

Create a Draw pile with the remaining cards, then create a Discard pile by flipping one card over, placing it next to the Draw pile.

How To Win

Get rid of your cards first!

Be the first player to successfully get rid of all of the cards in your
hand without being pulled back into the game.

Standard Cards

Standard Card Spread.png

13 Blue cards (Diamonds)

13 Red cards (Hearts)

13 Green cards (Clubs)

13 Black cards (Spades)

Standard cards are played by matching the same color or number, in your hand, to the color or number on the top of the Discard pile.

Standard Cards are King -Ace (see image)

Take One includes 52 Standard cards.

Fun Fact!
The Standard cards can be used on their own, as a regular deck of cards, to play your favorite classic card games.

Tips & Tricks
Play two or more Standard cards at once, if the numbers or face cards match!
This can only be done if the first card's color matches
what is on the top of the Discard pile. 

Standard Cards

Consequence Cards

Take One includes 38 Consequence cards.

Consequence Cards shown below (see image)

Consequence Card Spread.png

Consequence cards can be played on top of
any color or number on the Discard pile.

Consequence cards can also be played on top of other Consequence
cards, after the previous Consequence has been fulfilled.

A player may only play one Consequence card at a time

Consequence Cards

Take One card

Choose an opponent
to pick up a card

Opponents may respond with a Take One card, then
choose any opponent to pick up an additional card

(One card must be picked up for each Take One card played in response)

Take One Card

Ditch card

Give one card to any opponent

When giving the card to the opponent, keep it faced down. 

(Ditch cards require another card to be ditched. If a player does not have another card to ditch, they must pick up from the Draw pile )

Ditch Card

Swap card

Give one card to any opponent,
then take a card from their hand

When giving the card to any opponent, keep it faced down. When taking a card, you must blindly choose without seeing the card in the opponents hand.

(In order to use the "Swap card", players need a "Swap card" and another card (in their hand). If a player does not have another card to swap, they must pick up from the Draw pile )

Swap Card

Next card

Choose an opponent to play next

Every opponent in between loses their turn

(Opponents may use a Reject card if they do not wish to play next)

Next Card

Dilemma card

Decide what color plays next

Opponent must play the color that is chosen or Reject
the consequence, then play their turn

(Opponents can play their own Dilemma card in response,
then choose a color the following player must play)

Dilemma Card

Joker card

All opponents must
pick up a card

Opponents must pick up in the order of their turn.

(Opponents may respond with a Reject card, but only for themself)

Joker Card

Reject card

Play this card to
avoid consequences

When an opponent directs a consequence card to you,
you may play this card to avoid the consequence.

(A player may not play a reject to start their turn. Reject
cards can only be used to avoid a consequence

Reject cards may NOT be used against other Reject cards*

Reject Card
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